What if we treated each of our dreams as if they were sacred messages with the power not only to heal us and make us whole, but to dream us into a new future? Our first Eve’s Circle meeting will be via Zoom on Saturday, January 22, from 10am to noon. Avena Ward will lead us in “Working with Dreams.”

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Past EventsCommunications

Our Undies the Tree undergarment drive is over for the year. On behalf of the congregation, our masked delivery women (Paris Hancock and Nanci Tangeman, along with Nell Egan) delivered 254 bras, pairs of underpants and socks and other items to Rose Haven shelter. The shelter will also receive a check for $350 thanks to the generosity of our congregation. Even with limited in-person visits to our giving tree in the Fellowship Hall, our church family came through for the women using the shelter. Thank you!

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Past EventsCommunications

The wind and the rain are blowing away the remnants of the Christmas season as we set our sails for 2022. I hope that you are all taking precautions to keep Covid at bay. As you know, the Council decided to pause the in-person services at church until it feels safer to gather again in person. We’ll keep you posted.

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Just before Christmas, Susan Adcock delivered the Miraculous Mystery Quilt to Ainsworth UCC for the refugee family there. She also brought one of our gorgeous kids quilts along for this cutie. This particular quilt was part of a group that Cedar Hills UCC recently donated to Bienvenidos Quilts.

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The FCC book group meets on Zoom the second Tuesday of each month from 4:30-5:30. You are always invited to join the discussions whether you have read the book or not. Participants choose the books, and each discussion is lead by the person who recommended that particular book. Discussions are always interesting.

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Each Christmas, First Congregational UCC is decorated with beautiful poinsettias honoring friends or loved ones, commemorating meaningful events and in remembrance of those who hold special places in our hearts. Following worship on December 19th, they are available to members who are unable to attend worship. The remainder will stay in the sanctuary to brighten our Christmas services.

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