At First Congregational United Church of Christ we consider music an essential part of worship. The pipe organ, with its 3,100 pipes, fills our sanctuary with dynamic tone.
The choir sings a varied, eclectic repertoire, from renaissance through contemporary, from fine, serious choral styles to arrangements of folk songs, spirituals, gospel music (and maybe a touch of Indigo Girls from time to time!). The choir is a balance of accompanied and a cappella music, and concentrates on beauty of sound, diction, and choral blend to the enhancement of the worship experience for all. The choir sings most Sunday services from Labor Day through Memorial Day and Pentecost. Here is a performance from our April 16th service of Everything Must Change.
Led by our Music Director and Organist Grant Edwards, here is a beautiful performance of Rejoice in the Lamb
All who wish to participate in the joy of joining voices in sacred song are welcome to become a member of our choir. There is no need to audition but only a dedication to learn and grow. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary and on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. before worship. We have many skilled singers in this volunteer organization, as well as our four compensated section leaders and soloists, but we also have many singers who just want a musical venue such as our choir to belong to. All that is required to join is the desire to sing, a rudimentary music reading ability. Here is a video of our Chancel Choir’s performance of Ave Verum Corpus
Those interested in joining this committed choir should contact First Congregational UCC's music director/organist, Grant Edwards. email: