Each Christmas, First Congregational UCC is decorated with beautiful poinsettias honoring friends or loved ones, commemorating meaningful events and in remembrance of those who hold special places in our hearts. Following worship on December 19th, they are available to members who are unable to attend worship. The remainder will stay in the sanctuary to brighten our Christmas services.

If you would like to participate in this annual tradition, please complete the form  and drop it in the giving box with your check, or return it to the church office no later than Thursday, December 16th. If you are unable to fill-out a card in-person, you can email the following information to the church office at first@uccportland.org :

  • Your Name(s) 

  • Phone OR Email 

  • How many plants you want to donate (at $18.00 each)

  • Your donation amount that will be sent to the church.

  • Who is this in memory of? Or who is this in honor of?