what to expect on sunday
Every Sunday we meet in person at the sanctuary at 10:30 AM.
Worship with us online on Sundays by joining us using our livestream link on our homepage. Live at 10:30 AM.
Sundays have been a special gathering day for Christians for over 2,000 years. We gather on Sunday to celebrate the life, ministry, and teachings of Jesus Christ. We do this together because we believe that humans are to be in community and relationship with one another.
When you join us on Sundays, you will find a warm welcome, interesting and diverse people, and a spirit of curiosity swirling around and within us.
We will not “single you out”. We do have a few moments of greeting one another. The service is simple, crafted with meaning.
If you would like to join us on Zoom for Fellowship Hour, here is the Sunday Worship Service Zoom Link Here is the Meeting ID: 895 4555 6517
The Main Entrance is located at the corner of SW Park Ave and SW Madison.
Our historic building does contain many levels. However, all are ADA accessible via elevators and lifts. ADA accessible restrooms are located off the Fellowship Hall in the Madison Ave corridor.
Parking is offered streeetside at no cost until 1:00pm. Parking garage is located at 1000 Broadway, map below.
Office location and hours
The main office is located at the corner of SW Madison and Broadway. The office is open Monday - Friday from 8:00am - 4:00pm.
Mailing Address:
First Congregational UCC 1137 SW Broadway Portland, OR 97205
Phone Number: (503) 228 - 7219
Contact Email: communications@uccportland.org