Our congregation is thoughtful, exuberant, opinionated, caring community. We are old, middle-aged, and young. We are White, Black, Asian, Latino, multiracial. Our families are one-parent, two-parent, biological, adoptive, queer, straight, family of choice, happily single, and all-of-the-above. Folks in our community were raised atheist, agnostic, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, UCC, Baptist, Lutheran, Buddhist, Mormon, Unitarian, Jewish, Pagan and "none" — and we make space for all of those ways of Holy knowing in our life together. We are more beautiful because you are with us. We are building the Beloved Community.

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Our church has covenanted (made a sacred promise) to be "Open and Affirming," a designation which signifies our commitment to welcome and honor the participation, wisdom and leadership of people of all sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions in our spiritual community. 

For our community, this designation also means we covenant to maintain a sanctuary in which all people feel welcome to experience and participate in our shared spirituality. We publicly affirm that all people— of all cultural backgrounds, racial & ethnic identities, creeds & religious affiliations, sexual orientations, gender expressions & gender identities, family groups, mental and physical health & abilities, classes & housing status— 
are welcome here.

As a downtown church, we recognize that this work can and should extend beyond our the walls of our sanctuary. As a central tenant of our spirituality, we work (both internally and externally) to challenge and dismantle the imperialist-patriarchy that has long defined how power is held in our tradition. We are actively reconstructing our faith and always looking to find God in our particularity, rather than in conformity. We experience our spiritual community as a chosen family, and celebrate the ways our chosen families connect us to the holy and enable us to know ourselves as deeply, wholly beloved.

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