Hello friends,

I want to call your attention to several things. As we prepare for the Annual Meeting on January 30, you will have opportunities to inform yourself by reading Eric's annual report, and the other reports submitted by the folks who are actively involved in the ministry of our church. The report will be available on the website by Tuesday, January 25th. The report will contain the proposed budget for 2022, which we will vote on at the Annual Meeting. You can also see the slides from the budget presentation made on 1/16 in the Member section of the website. Please use this link.

You do need to have a password. We cannot publish it here, but please call the church office, or contact me at this phone number, 925-788-6526 or at and I will give it to you.

2022 promises to be an exciting year for us as a church. It's a challenge for us to move forward without being able to march arm-in-arm. But we can do it. Let's use the technology and the resources which have allowed us to stay connected for the past two years. If you need help with that, let us know. 

See you at the Annual Meeting!