Get involved in creating opportunities for people in our spiritual community to explore and deepen faith journeys by sharing and connecting with each other.
Nan Wagner, Church Member
Our community is nurtured through creativity, education, worship, play, and spiritual practice. People of all ages and interests explore and deepen our faith journeys as we share and connect with one another. Do you enjoy teaching children? Visiting older adults? Expressing your inner creative through writing, art or music? New opportunities are bubbling up in this creative community!
This Core Ministry includes Worship: choir, ushers, greeters and safety contacts. Fellowship: Eve’s Circle and youth, Book Club. Spiritual Life: Spiritual Path Growth. Outreach: Called to Care, Prayer Chain, Bienvenidos Quilts.
Called to Care
A ministry of outreach, visitation, and friendship to members of our community who are homebound. To lend your time and effort to this important work contact Ann Laskey (
Love to sing? Talk to our Music Director/Organist Grant Edwards (
Eve's Circle
If you think a group of interesting women of all ages is your kind of crowd—join us! Contact Nanci Tangeman and Paris Hancock (
Governance Committees
Interested in participating in our various governance committees like finance, personnel, ordination, etc? Talk to our Moderator Bill Cunitz (
Sunday Morning Ushers and Greeters
We always welcome new ushers and greeters for our Sunday worship (when in person). To sign up talk to Julie Blanchard (
Want to get involved? Have an idea or a question? Contact us at