January 15, 2022
Want to learn more about issues facing US-Mexico border communities?

As part of its ministry in southern Arizona, the Good Shepherd UCC in Sahuarita—located about mid-way between Tucson and Nogales—is hosting its 9th annual “Common Ground on the Border”, a festival of arts, music, food and fellowship.  The January 2022 celebration is pared down because of the pandemic, but will still include the Border Fair on Friday, January 14, and border-issue lectures on Saturday morning, January 15.  These events will be outdoors at the church.  The lectures will also be streamed for registrants not able to attend in person.

This link includes general background and an informative video about the desert and the work of the Green Valley-Sahuarita Samaritans, which the church co-founded about 20 years ago.

The Saturday lectures (9 am to noon) will include “ . . . three border information lectures with stimulating national and international scholars and activists sharing their perspectives on our current border and immigration crisis.”  Background on the speakers is at

To register for these free lectures, go to:

Finally, while it’s not true in many other respects, remember that Arizona is ahead of the West Coast one hour, so 9 am there is 8 am here.  We’ll catch up when we spring forward.

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