April 10th at 3pm
Metropolitan Community Church 2828 SE 
Stephens St Portland Oregon 97215 

You are warmly invited to Join the Central Pacific Conference and Waverly United Church of Christ in recognizing Grant Helbley's call to Ordained Christian ministry through the laying on of hands. 

Grant began the ordination process with the Central Pacific Conference while a member of Portland First Congregational in March of 2015. They were approved for ordination pending call at an ecclesiastical council in January 2018. In March 2021 Grant was hired as a chaplain associate at Mt Hood Medical Center where they are still serving. The committee on ministry has examined Grant and is pleased to recommend that they be ordained to the ministry of hospital chaplaincy. Grant is a member of Waverly United Church of Christ and will be ordained by their home congregation. The Metropolitan Community Church has generously offered their space which safely accommodates more people.