Greetings Friends!

 •Trees; •Biting off more than is chewable; •Building and Grounds; •Tenting on the corner; and •a special Congregational meeting. 

I just have to start off by sharing how much I have enjoyed the beautiful, budding trees. They are all around. I had planned to go downtown to see the cherry trees along the river the other day, but it turned out cold and rainy, so that was postponed. I hope to see them soon. They always make me nostalgic for my time in Asia. 

Now to more business-y things. Last week, I announced the Council’s decision to reopen the building as of this week. Well, that turned out to be a larger task than anticipated. Getting staff and other details lined up is not as easy as one who has never done it would expect. The building is quite open, but may not be quite as open as it was three years ago. We are working on it. 

At the last Council meeting, we authorized the development of a Building and Grounds Committee. If you have experience with buildings or know someone who does, please contact Phil Owen.

Yes, we are still expecting to worship together on Palm Sunday and on Easter. More on all this later. We would hope to continue with in-person services after that. 

Please see the separate message about our efforts to clear the tents off the sidewalks. We expect this to be done by the weekend.

This is a repeat announcement, but it bears repeating: MARCH 27th – After worship. In lieu of the regular “coffee hour,” we will have a Congregational Meeting. This will be YOUR time to ask questions and voice your hopes and intentions for the future of FCUCC. 

We will continue to monitor the COVID numbers and will return to restrictions if and when they are warranted. 

We are moving forward together – with open hearts, open minds, and open doors. 

Peace, friends, 
--Phil Owen, Moderator