April 3 and April 10

There will be two Sundays for the collection of our One Great Hour of Sharing gifts this year! 

Offering envelopes will be available on Palm Sunday in the Sanctuary or you can go the to our congregation’s website at any time, click on DONATE and specify that your gift is for OGHS. It’s that simple. 

For over 70 years, at home and around the world, One Great Hour of Sharing has been responding to a world of need – feeding the hungry, sheltering the houseless, responding to disasters (including Ukraine), drilling for fresh water, etc. while working with other denominational relief agencies to be good stewards of our shared resources. 

As one of our annual UCC offerings (OGHS, Neighbors in Need, Veterans of the Cross and Strengthen the Church), your generous gift to One Great our of Sharing, enables our church and our worldwide partners to make a difference in the lives and communities around the world. Most years, First Church in Portland UCC has been a 5 for 5 congregation…..donating to all four of these special offerings and supporting the UCC’s OCWM – Our Church’s Wider Mission – through our annual budget. 

Thank you in advance for sharing your love and gratitude for the gifts we have been given!