Dear Friends,

This came as quite a shock yesterday. Of course, our prayers are with Eric and Melanie as the difficult work of healing progresses. We can take comfort in knowing Eric is getting first-rate care.

We also know we are a strong and vital church and will get through this even stronger and more together. But there are a few changes to our schedule:

1. Four Bows Meditation with the singing bowls will not happen this week. 

2. The congregational walk scheduled for Sunday is postponed.  

3. The New Members Class scheduled for the next two Sundays has also been postponed. 

More news on those activities when they have been rescheduled.

What is NOT cancelled is Sunday worship! No, the details have not quite come together, but fear not! We will see each other at 10:30 Sunday morning!

Until then, we keep Eric and Melanie and their family in our prayers and we relay on our Conference Minister Tyler Connoley for his insight and support. 

Thank you all for being the vibrant church we are!

Phil Owen, Moderator 

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