I am writing to inform you that Pastor Eric is taking a medical leave beginning immediately. He asked me to let you know that the prolonged stress has caught up with him, putting him in an unstable mental state, and that he is presently getting care from a team of professionals along with his supportive family. They are working to ensure his full recovery and return to church. 

I have been in close communication with both Melanie and Eric, and am confident of the care he's receiving. I have also been working with your Moderator Phil to ensure things continue to move forward at church. 

Please do not contact Eric or Melanie at this time, as they are focused on Eric's health. Eric would accept any positive thoughts and prayers for himself and his family.

As always, thank you for being the church for this place and this time. I stand with you in love and trust. 

Tyler Connoley, Conference Minister

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