Dear Friends,

On Ash Wednesday Avena and I were on the porch of our church to offer ashes to any who wanted them to mark the beginning of Lent. It was raining and POURING! So some who wanted to come, didn't.However some members came, some random folks drove by and there were houseless street folks hanging out, some of whom asked for their ashes.

What was most inspiring for me was the caravan of wagons(four in all) that came along during the lunch hour filled with sack lunches and hot coffee. The several folks pulling the wagons wore bright orange vests with SANDWICH MINISTRY printed in large black letters on the back. Our street neighbors were there to greet them and enjoyed their offerings. I learned that these folks have been pursuing this sandwich ministry for twelve years!! "Wow," I thought.

If they can do that, surely I can provide hot soup for Lent! So I have committed to do this-- beginning next Wed, March 9. Soup and sandwiches--great meal. Margaret Baldwin has committed to do one week and encouraged me to invite others who might like to provide a pot of soup one Wednesday or just come along for the ride. PLEASE call me or email at bunny_o@msn.com if you are feeling inspired too.

Love to all, Bunny Oliver