Members and friends of Portland First Congregational UCC.  I know our previous moderator was rather diligent in filling this corner of the newsletter. I have not been as alert to the deadlines as she was, but I will try today. This has certainly been a time of much change and some confusion – especially around the changes in the church’s staff. I know there are questions about why several staff members have left. I will try to answer as many questions as I can.

  • Yes, Cara has accepted another position beginning March 1, 2022, we wish her well. Two other staff members have left church employment already with a third leaving at the end of this month.

  • Yes, we have a solid Personnel Committee consisting of Paris Hancock, Ted Heid, Al Horn, and Susan Rogers. This excellent group is looking into both the reasons for people leaving and the on-gong staffing needs of FCUCC.

  • Yes, Vonnie Murphy has stepped up, on a temporary basis, to work with the remaining staff and to liaison with Rev. Eric and the lay leadership. She has a lot to learn but has taken on the added responsibility with grace and enthusiasm.

  • Yes, there will be glitches in the work of the front office, and in our technology as people and responsibilities change and new roles are learned.

  • Yes, Council has been apprised of the basics in this concern and will help and support the Personnel Committee and the staff in any way they can.

  • No, I cannot tell you the reasons each person left. There are confidentiality issues around that and the Personnel Committee is being very tight-lipped!

I feel certain that when this all shakes out, we’ll have a staff which will fill the needs of the church and we will move along efficiently and effectively.

Yours in Christ,
Phil Owen, Moderator

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