Moderator's Message

Hello friends,

Congregational Survey

Thank you to all of you who took the congregational survey. If you didn’t get a chance to do the survey or if you just prefer to talk about it, we hope that you will join a conversation in a breakout room after church on Sunday, Dec 5th. This will be a chance for further discussion and consideration of the survey results. The complete survey results can be accessed now through this link in the This Week.

Childcare helpers needed!

We want to provide childcare for families with children every Sunday that we are together. Please consider adding your name to a list of helpers. You would only be called on every few months. We have a teenager from our church family, Keelin Sullivan, who is willing to help to provide childcare on Second Sundays. Our church safety policy requires there to be at least two providers in the basement, and one of them must be an adult. Let the moderator know at or call me at 925-788-6526.

Church Directory listings

Thank you for updating your information in the directory when something changes for you. We want you to know that there are families who wish to continue listing the name of a loved one after they have died. Please understand that such names are not listed in error, but to honor of the family’s wishes.