Christmas at FCCUCC

I‘ve seen the first Christmas tree decorated and lit up in the front window of a house in northeast Portland. The Christmas season is upon us and it’s time to make plans for our church Christmas celebration. There has been much buzz about sharing this time of joy together after another challenging year. Folks are already volunteering to make this a special Christmas for the church. Eric is planning our traditional caroling and Christmas Eve service, Eve’s Circle has decorated our Christmas tree and is ready for donations for women in shelter, staff are setting-up lights in the tower, and Paris Egan is preparing the advent spiral for the Kiva! There is also a lot of buzz about a special outdoor caroling party. If you have ideas for this activity, or if you would like to be one of the elves in this group, contact, Kathy Sheibley at

Congregational Survey

Thank you to all of you who took the congregational survey! We are planning a discussion forum after zoom church on December 5 for further discussion and consideration of the survey results. A summary of the results as well as a link to the full results will be forthcoming. 

Childcare on Second Sundays

We have a teenager from our church family, Keelin Sullivan, who is willing to help to provide childcare on Second Sundays. Our church safety policy requires there be at least two providers in the basement, and one of them must be an adult. Please consider adding your name to the “on-call” list for one of the Second Sundays and/or Christmas Eve. (NOTE:  If you have not volunteered for the children’s program for over 5 years, we will need a new background check.) Families with young children have not been attending this fall, but that may change as children get vaccinated. Please contact me at if you are interested in helping with this important ministry to our youngest members and families.