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October 23
10 am - 12 pm
Fellowship Hall

Rose Haven is the only day shelter and community center specifically serving women, children, and gender-diverse people in Portland. At this month’s Eve’s Circle meeting, we’ll hear from a representative from Rose Haven. We’ll meet in-person, in masks, in the Fellowship Hall from 10 am – noon on Saturday, October 23. For more information, contact Eve’s leader, Paris Hancock at paris159@comcast.net

Eve’s Circle is First Congregational’s social/spiritual/service small group, open to anyone identifying as female. We meet on the fourth Saturday morning of each month. Upcoming meeting dates and topics include: 

October 23: Guest speaker from Rose Haven Shelter

November 27: Undies the Tree and White Elephant Gift Exchange

December: No monthly meeting. It’s Christmas!

January 22: Dream Workshop with Avena Ward 

February 26: Portland Art Museum Visit with Elaine Molskness

March 26: Architectural Tour of the Church (To be confirmed)

April 23: Eves Read with Lou Sevetson
May: Retreat at Camp Adams (Date to be decided) 

June 25: Dealing with People in Mental Health Crisis (To be confirmed)

July 23: Picnic in a Park

August: Summer Hiatus