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Dear friends,

The Church Council met this week to make a decision about our worship plan for the immediate future. The new plan we have been experiencing since September 12 was designed for a post-pandemic church, but we are still living through a pandemic, dealing with its limitations. In light of this fact, along with feedback from members of the congregation, and a request from the pastor, the Council made a decision to put a pause on the exploration of alternative forms of worship on Sunday mornings. Please know that we are still very committed as a congregation to exploring new ways to be a church. We will continue to grow in this endeavor. 

The Second Sunday, in person worship service in the sanctuary will continue at least through the end of 2021. Because not everyone can make it to church on these Sundays, we will also live-stream them on YouTube and Facebook.  The choir will sing on Second Sundays, but also plans to record some pieces which can be used in the Zoom services.

As in the past, on all Sundays except second Sunday, we will hold worship on Zoom at 10:30 am. This service will also be live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube. 

We heard you asking to reconnect with each other, and, for now, zoom worship will be one of the ways we can do that on Sunday morning. You can also join a small group related to the worship series, or those that are discussing immigration issues through films and books. Those meetings are announced, and links are provided in This Week.

In order to plan for our future life together, we need your feedback. We want to hear from you about your experience these past weeks. We are grateful to those of you who have written emails and spoken to us directly, and now we want to hear from all of you. We will be sending out a survey in the next week to give you an opportunity to tell us about your experience. Look for the survey to come in your email or by regular mail.

To summarize, here’s the plan for the rest of the year:

All Sundays: Worship at 10:30 am 

Second Sunday: Worship at 10:30 (November 14, December 12) will be in the sanctuary and streamed on Facebook and YouTube.

All other Sundays, worship will be on Zoom, Facebook and YouTube.

Links for these services will always be provided in This Week.

Thank you for being a caring and concerned member of our congregation. We value each one of you and the contribution you make to the whole. We look forward to hearing from you.

Margaret Lovejoy Baldwin
