Updates From Church Staff

THANK YOU, Amelia!!

Amelia Ralston-Okabayashi has been with us a short while, but has made a lasting impression on us all. Amelia is leaving her position, but will stay on as our Graphic Design Contractor. She has also agreed to continue our ZOOM management until the end of the month. Send Amelia your personal note of encouragement to: communications@uccportland.org .

All Communication and Publication Correspondence – who do I contact?

When you have information to publish or an event to publish to the FCUCC Community, contact Business Manager, Keith Powell at keith.powell@uccportland.org

Directory Updates

Your Called to Care Team and staff are actively seeking up-to-date information for the

Online Digital Directory. Updates are scheduled for the first month of every quarter (October, January, April, July). Please email updates to keith.powell@uccportland.org.

Our Deepest Condolences

We were saddened to learn that Mr. Phil Brumbaugh passed away on August 11, 2022. Phil was an active member of FCUCC before ill health kept him away and under care for many years.

Phil’s Niece, Ann Davis and her husband, Russell stated a small, private memorial will be held at an undetermined date.

Letters of support and condolence may be sent to Ann and Russell at

17257 NW Ivybridge St.

Portland, OR 97229

Security Services Engaged

Under the direction of the Church Council, we have engaged the services of SECURITAS. This professional service provides random patrols to inspect the building and address any security concerns. All personnel are unarmed. Soon we will install security cameras on the Porch.

The contact number for Securitas is posted at the North and South entrances. Please remember, never confront a security issue. Call for assistance.

Facilities Update

Recently, our Facilities Manager, Steve Eggers oversaw the cleaning of all carpeting, completed the touch-up painting of the exterior Madison windows, and is in the process of completing the same touch-up on the other lower-level windows in preparation for

the installation of plexiglass covers that are required by our insurance company to assist in the prevention of damage and vandalism.

Steve also completed the update necessary for the expansion of our sub-lease tenant, The UPRISE Collective. They now occupy annex suites H and I.

Steve is also seeking consults from painting contractors on repair/re-painting sections of the sanctuary.

Steve is pleased to report that all HVAC systems have been checked and all systems are ready for the Fall / Winter Season.

Should you notice any part of the building needing attention, never hesitate to report those concerns to our Business Manager, Keith Powell. Reach him at keith.powell@uccportland.org .
