Cleaning and Sealing of the Church Porch

At the direction of the Church Council, the Facilities Manager and Business Manager arranged for the cleaning and sealing of the Porch on Thursday and Friday.

You may notice the coloration has changed. This is due to the process used to clean the decades of grime and contaminants from the surface. Our vendor used all their skills to present a consistent appearance.

The sealant will protect the Porch from absorbing liquids and other organic materials for a period of 2-3 years. The entire surface has been sealed.

As a result, the congregation can expect an entrance that is easier to maintain, and graffiti will be easier to remove going forward.

Any questions or concerns should be directed to our Business Manager, Keith Powell.
Keith may be reached at or by phone at 503.228.7219 x106. Keith will also be present at the worship service on Sunday. Feel free to connect with him before the service or during the Fellowship Hour.

We are also in the process of covering the lower windows with plexiglass to prevent vandalism. Steve Eggers, our Facilities Manager has been cleaning and painting the wooden surfaces so that we have a clean surface when the installation is completed.