Moderator's Message

We said goodbye to Reverend Janet Parker as well as saying hello to Reverend Brigitta Remole on Sunday. A warm welcome to Reverend Remole who  will be preaching the next two Sundays and then our Conference Minister, Tyler Connelly, will take the pulpit on the last Sunday in August. We’ve so enjoyed getting to know Reverend Brigitta Remole a little this week and we hope you have a chance to do so soon. 

Bunny Oliver hosted a successful vacation bible school this week with seven delightful kids- a good start for a new tradition! Thank you, Bunny, for your inspired leadership.

Many members of the congregation have mentioned to us that they really appreciated the structured conversations held recently and that we might adopt a similar structure for “State of the Church” meetings held regularly. Such topics as focusing our vision for the next chapter in the life of Portland First and the care and maintenance of our front porch will be discussed, so you might start pondering these topics. No dates have been set yet for these meetings. 

We hope you enjoy the last few weeks of summer,

Paris Hancock

Margaret Baldwin &

Phil Owen