Summer with Eve’s Circle

Fresh off our annual retreat…a big thank you to all who made it a success! Fifteen of us joined together in fellowship and each of you contributed to the spirit that was among us.

Looking towards the summer:

No June Meeting. After much thought we have decided to cancel our June meeting. The program we had in mind fell through and Paris and Judy are unavailable that day.

July Picnic. Mark your calendars for Saturday, July 23. We will have our annual potluck picnic lunch (in Fellowship Hall) and brainstorming session for the 2022-2023 year.

Postponed for Let’s Talk, Let’s Listen: Invitation to a Structured Conversation

No August Meeting. As usual, we will have our summer hiatus in August.

Thank you, Paris Hancock, for two awesome years of leadership. Your special style and spirit made our meetings – on-line and in-person – memorable, thoughtful, informative, fun and personal. Good luck as our moderator in 2023

Who Will Be our Next Leader? Are you ready to step up as our next Eve’s Circle leader? So many Eves have served as leader or coleader and each brought her own personal style. Is it your turn to lead us into another great year of fun, fellowship, service and expanding our horizons? Please contact Paris or Judy with questions.

Eve’s Circle is open to any church members or friends who identify as women and want to spend time in spiritual, social and service activities.


Paris Hancock

Judy Bishop