There will be no Conference sponsored presence in the Pride Parade this year, but the MCC church has invited other churches to join them. If you plan to march please contact Grant or Nathan to let them know that you are coming- your name and the church you are from. I don't know where the signs are that we have used in the past but maybe Keith can help us to locate them.


If your congregation would like to join us please email me or Nathan Meckley and let us know you are planning to come and how many people you expect (we had to update our registration to make this invitation and may not be able to accommodate groups over 10) 


2) Please bring your own signage so that your community can be recognized by name. We have updated our description to include welcoming, affirming, and allied congregations marching with us. Clergy are welcomed to vest


3) We are Unit #59 gathering on NW Flanders between Park & 8th; Gathering and Informal worship @ 10AM  Step off @ 11AM