Dear friends,

As we come back to worshiping together in person we think about who we are as a faith community in different ways and how the rituals we have taken for granted over the years shape us and build our community. One seemingly small ritual we may not have thought about is the “passing of the plate”. The act of sharing this activity in a meditative atmosphere is vitally important to building our community. You might think of the obvious, that it is how we pay for the ministry we offer, but in this time when most of us give automatically online it may seem less important. We may not be surprised that the giving is down significantly, particularly that which in years past was given in person on Sunday morning. The public act of sharing from our financial resources with each other is a vital act in community building. We will reintroduce this into our worship time this Sunday. Allow yourself to fully participate in this time. Even if you give your pledge on line, keep a bill or two in your pocket and place that $1, $5 or $20 in the plate when it comes to you.

Ann Muir, Treasurer