Greetings Friends! 

•Sundays; •Coffee Hour; •Camera work; •Communion; •Maundy Thursday 

Yes! We are back in the sanctuary for in-person worship beginning Sunday! It has been a long haul, but here we are. We expect to be together for worship until Covid throws another curve ball. 

Yes, the service will be streamed via Zoom, YouTube, and Facebook. But in these initial weeks, the streaming will not be the very best quality. It will take us a while to get all the bells and whistles organized. Please bear with us. 

This has also lifted up two issues: 

  • We need people to host the coffee hour after the service. Coffee hour will be much reduced from our pre-Covid days – just coffee and tea (maybe espresso). But we need volunteers to set up, tend the tables, and take down. We will have a staff person there to help, but this is really something we can do. We have this taken care of for the 10th and will have a sign-up sheet for future Sundays. 

  • We need volunteers to point the camera for the streaming. Everything is set up. We just need someone who can point it and zoom in and out. If you have done this for your home movies and videos, you can do it in our balcony. We’ll have another sign-up sheet on Sunday. 

The worship committee has elected to return to once-a-month communion. We look forward to celebrating that rite together the first Sunday in May. 

A Maundy Thursday Tenebrae service is planned for 14th. This will be a Zoom service. If you remember, we did such a service two years ago. This is always a special time of centering and reflection. 

Again, we are at a time of great change. We are all – Council, committees, volunteers, and staff – working to get all of our ducks lined up and marching along. Please be ready to lend a hand when opportunities arise – and a little flexible when things aren’t quite right yet. 

Peace, friends. I will look for you Palm Sunday! 

Phil Owen, Moderator