Sunday, April 10 after worship
Fellowship Hall

On this final day of the exhibition of MusArt: Paintings by Randall Vemer, you will have the opportunity to meet the artist in ArtReach Gallery downstairs.

Randall has painted musicians with their instruments. And all the instruments of the orchestra are represented. It is of note that Randall played in the Oregon Symphony for 20 years before he was found to have Focal Dystonia. This meant he could no longer play in the orchestra. He taught himself how to paint. This exhibition is a celebration of his love of both music and art.

MusArt is available as a book. Your donations go directly to Venezuela’s Voice in Oregon. The book is edited by Sheldon Hurst and published by our ArtReach Gallery. You may also wish to watch and listen to the video that tells the story of the artist. Randall is a member of Trinity Episcopal and he participates in our 7x7, 7 art galleries in 7 churches in Portland, OR. Bring your iphone and key into the QR code to listen to the music performed by each represented musician.