Greetings Friends!

•Back Together!; •Results! You Have Spoken; •PRIDE; •Camera work; •Quilts; •Council Agenda

It was SO great to be back together last Sunday – to see people in the flesh and talk without microphones. Thank you to the folks who brought treats. I am sorry I didn’t get to see everyone who attended via Zoom. I know the camera work was not A-One, but it will get better. (See below.)

Report from March 27 meetings: Mar 27 meeting Report
RESULTS! On March 27th, we held group conversations about how we see the momentum and interests of the congregation. Each group took notes and sent them to me to be compiled. This was not a super easy task as our congregation has many interests. But I think I got a general idea of what may be the primary areas of concern for our congregation. What I think we see, is considerable interest and energy around:

  • The unhoused and food-insecure;

  • The arts (including music); and

  • Building community with other downtown organizations and churches.

I think these are areas we can work on developing since we already have some activity in at least the first two items. I know there are several other areas members are concerned about - immigration and ecology to name just two. I expect members to continue to share their interests and enthusiasm and we want to keep an eye on all of these concerns. But this this list of three can be a place to start our longer-term planning.

Thank you to the four other moderators on March 27 and to all who shared their time and thoughts.

LGBTQ+ PRIDE is coming
We need a small group (something more than three) to help plan our participation and related activities. Let me know if you are interested and able to help.

Camera work
We now have two folks who have volunteered to operate the camera for on-line worship. That is a good start. Tight now, we only need one person each week since we are working with only one camera. Honestly, this is easy. Just pointing and zooming in and out. I’ll bet you have done this with a video or digital camera for birthday parties. That is as basic as it gets. Please volunteer to lend a hand.

Bienvenidos Quilts
Once again, we are graced with a plethora of beautiful, warm quilts in the sanctuary. These have been put together by our own Bienvenidos Quilters and will be sent to the southern boarder so immigrant children will not end up looking like “baked potatoes.” Thanks to all who helped, and continue to help, with this project.

Church Council
Council will meet again on Tuesday at 7:00. This will be via Zoom. On our agenda are: •proposals to various industries and public official in support of cleaner air; •petition initiatives around gun violence (; and •possibly a motion to support PDX Free FridgeX ( . We will also be getting updates on our streaming abilities and childcare / education on Sunday mornings. Members and friends are free to join, observe, and comment. We expect to move to executive session for the last portion of the meeting.

Peace, friends. I will look for you on Easter!
Phil Owen, Moderator