Supporting Unhoused Artists During Pride Week

The bad news: Our postponed Art & Soul Fest has now been canceled. The committee decided we just don’t have the staff and volunteers to support such a major event. The good news: We will support an event with a similar mission – building community by recognizing the creative pursuits of people experiencing houselessness. Gather:Make:Shelter is a Portland organization that works with people experiencing houselessness and poverty through collaborative, skill-building projects in creative fields. At this year’s Pride Waterfront Festival G:S:M will have a tent displaying art made by their clients. They will also host Starburst’s Spectacular Fashion Show, featuring models who live in the Queer Affinity Village. 

In addition to transferring our grant and donations that were specifically earmarked for our festival (instead of losing them), our church will be invited to help create the clothing featured on the runway. For now, save the dates: June 18 and 19. More information about how we’ll support this event on a manageable scale – and other opportunities to participate in Pride Week 2022 – will be announced in the coming weeks. Thanks to Barbara Bennett for finding this opportunity to partner with a new organization!