Monday Group at 7pm
Click for Zoom Link

Thursday Group at 2pm
Click for Zoom Link

Would you enjoy being part of a Lenten small group? Margaret Baldwin will lead one on Mondays and Bunny Oliver will lead one on Thursdays. The Monday group meets at 7pm, the Thursday group will meet at 2pm. Sessions are for one hour.

The Thursday group will utilize the four pebble meditation of Tich Nhat Hanh and a Lenten meditation guide by James Howell titled Unrevealed Until Its Season. The guide reflects on popular Christian Hymns which inspire and strengthen us on the journey.

Please email or call these leaders if you'd like to join their group. Discussion topics will be chosen by the leaders with an eye to enhancing your Lenten experience.

We'd love more leaders. If you are willing to lead a small group please notify Margaret or Bunny and we'll announce this on Sunday.

These small groups are zoom meetings.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 863 2131 2528, Passcode: 279848

Thursday Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 851 7788 4287, Passcode: 578663