Greeting to one and all! Things are moving – some slow and some at lighting-speed.

I’ll try to review what we know about

  • Rev. Eric’s medical leave

  • the Congregational Meeting set for the 13th

  • worship on Sunday, the 6th with Tyler Connoley

  • worship going forward

I am guessing that one major concern of the congregation is about Rev. Eric. We know he is getting the best medical care available and we pray for his quick recovery and return to us. Other than that, I have no new news to impart. Again, he and Melanie have asked members not contact them at this time. 

We do have some good news! Our Conference Minister Tyler Connoley is available to be with us on Sunday and will be bringing the sermon. Tyler is a compassionate presence and always has great things to say. We can expect a superb worship time on the March 6. Please be sure to join us.

After discussions with several folks, the Worship Team, and Council, we have decided to keep the shared-sermon time at least through Lent. We will be hearing from two (usually) different folks plus another for the Intergenerational Time. This is a great opportunity to hear from a variety of voices from our congregation. And they won’t all be “retired ministers!”

Finally, the Council met this week to discuss the wisdom of going forward with the Congregational Meeting originally scheduled for March 13th. In view of Rev. Eric’s leave, we did not feel the congregation was in a good place to have that meeting or take a vote on the motion.  This meeting is postponed indefinitely. This does not kill the motion, but it does give us time to align all the water fowl necessary for a good conversation and decision.

And – the Council would like to invite everyone to an after-worship Congregational Forum on March 27th! This is not an official “meeting;” there will be no motions, no votes, no minutes. This will be a time to discuss amongst ourselves our feelings, expectations, fears, and hopes for the future of Portland First. It is a good day to mark on your calendar. 

Far more words than I wish, but important notes. I hope you are all staying warm and dry.

Peace, Phil Owen, Moderator