Rabbi Brian's Service


A digital age, adult conversation and service about forgiveness, atonement, re-centering, remembrance, and celebration.

​Online only.

​No dogma, no creeds, nothing you need to pretend to believe in.


​Service conducted almost exclusively in English.

​Donations to RELIGION-OUTSIDE-THE-BOX suggested.

Order of service (tentative):

  1. ​Welcoming

  2. ​Being Present to the hard time we’ve all be facing

  3. ​Memorial Service

  4. ​Lighting of candles / Showing of pictures

  5. ​Remembrance of loved ones we have lost

  6. ​Atonement

  7. ​Acknowledging our collective inadequacy

  8. ​Seeking forgiveness and peace

  9. ​Sermon

  10. ​What God Wants Me To Tell You. (I think.)

  11. ​Renewal / Looking towards the future

  12. ​Making sacred commitments

  13. ​Conclusion

Click here to register.

Rabbi Brian Mayer, a modern-day rabbi with John Lennon’s inclusivity and a Blues Brothers mission. He full-timed at a congregation for close to four years he transitioned back to school, picking up another master’s degree – this one in education – and teaching inner-city kids mathematics, life, and love. After moving to Portland, where he taught at De La Salle North Catholic, his calling urged him to serve an even more needy community – intelligent rational folk who struggle some with spiritual fitness. He does so through his work with the not for profit Religion Outside The Box writing and speaking. He lives in Portland, OR with his family.