
Hey folks! The Church Council decided to allow hot beverages at the zoom service in the Art & Soul Café beginning next Sunday. We will still respect Covid safety requirements: wearing masks indoors, and practicing social distancing, (not hugging). We will start the transition to a real café slowly, only allowing beverages at first, no food. Our barista, Jack Allman, will offer coffee and tea from one location in the Fellowship Hall, although you may bring your own beverage in your own container. The important thing will be to learn to sip without completely removing your mask, and replacing your mask after the sip. You can do this!

Don’t forget to sign up here if you want to attend the online service in Art & Soul Café (Fellowship Hall) this Sunday. Seats are limited to 25 people, so please do sign up. You are welcome to the Meditation service every Sunday without signing up

Many have asked about where to place offerings when they came.  (Thank you!) There will be a container in which to put your offerings in the Art & Soul Café as well as the Meditation service upstairs. Look for a box or basket and listen for some instruction. Thank you for your donation to the church.

Are you interested in being an online ambassador during our online worship services?  This is someone who is online at the beginning of the service to report via text message to our tech staff on the volume and/or any other things the tech folks need to address. You can perform this function from your home if you are using a computer, but not from your phone as you are kayaking on the river. Interested?  Send Eric or Jake an email. (Eric:; Jake:

October 17, 24, 31

9 am – 10 am    Zoom worship in Fellowship Hall*

10 - 11 am          Jazz performance in Fellowship Hall

11 am- 12pm     Mystic Meditation service in the sanctuary

*opening date for the Coffeehouse TBA. The Coffeehouse will remain open while the Mystic Meditation Service is going on upstairs.

October 10

10 – 11:15 am.* Second Sunday worship in the Sanctuary with choir 

Childcare provided for ages 3 and under.

No zoom service or Mystic Meditation service this day

*Note change in the time the service begins.    

November 7, 21, 28

9 am – 10 am    Zoom worship in Fellowship Hall*

10 - 11 am          Jazz performance in Fellowship Hall

11 am- 12pm     Mystic Meditation service in Sanctuary

*opening date for the Coffeehouse TBA. The coffeehouse will remain open while the Mystic Meditation Service is going on upstairs.

November 14

10 – 11:15 am. Second Sunday worship in the Sanctuary with choir 

Childcare provided for ages 3 and under.

No zoom service or Mystic Meditation service this day

This is an experimental process and there are likely to be changes so keep reading This Week for the latest. The December calendar is not yet lined out.

Mask/Vaccination Policy

We are not requiring vaccinations but we do require everyone to wear a mask inside the building at all times, except for worship leaders in designated areas. Since we cannot guarantee that everyone inside is vaccinated, please do not attend in person if you or a member of your family is at risk but take advantage of the zoom service at 9 am every Sunday except the Second Sunday.

The church office and building will be open starting next week for its regular hours of 10 am to 2 pm on weekdays.