Welcome Home
First Congregational has been a diverse, progressive voice in Portland since 1851. You are welcome - just as you are!
First Congregational has been a diverse, progressive voice in Portland since 1851. You are welcome - just as you are!
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We are an openhearted, justice-seeking faith community in downtown Portland that seeks to follow the guiding principles of the gospel. We believe that all people are beloved: just as we are today, and as we are becoming.
We are theologically progressive: our celebration of the holy is as varied and vast as the sky, and as close as a friend's hand. We welcome all people from all backgrounds and prioritize voices and leadership from the margins of power.
Our calling is to live into the kindom of God more fully by cultivating community, practicing hospitality, and publicly demonstrating and advancing God's peace. We organize around three Core Ministries – Community, Hospitality and Peacemaking– where we come together to grow, learn and serve.